One of the best parts of playing a fantasy table top game is fighting dragons!! These models are all of the terrestrial and flying type dragons you?ll need to play your favorite table top games. The dragons come in the standard chromatic and matalic colours of Black, Blue, Green, Red, White, Brass, Bronze, Copper, Silver and Gold . The age range includes Wyrmling, Young, Adult and Ancient.
See our full range of models at
These models are sized to fit the standard scale for D&D (28mm) and other tabletop games. However, if you wish a custom size, please get in touch. I can easily do other sizes.
Each Miniature comes with a base, though in some cases the bases may not be attached to the miniatures. In these instances, I suggest using Super Glue.
Some models may also come in separate parts. For instance larger dragons will have their body, wings, head and base separate. This will ensure safe shipment of your miniatures. Some sanding and superglue will be needed. Vert large models are hallowed and have drainage holes added to the models. I try my best to discreetly hide these holes but sometimes it is not possible. In this instance Green Stuff or other modeling fillers can be used then sanded before painting.
These miniatures are made from high quality SLA resin. The resin used is plant based, biodegradable and environmentally friendly. It is extremely easy to prime and paint. Please note I will do as much as possible to thoroughly clean the models, but some marks may exist from supports and the printing process. Simple nail files and sandpaper can be used to correct any missed support marks.
Unless requested all miniatures will be printed in the standard grey colour. If desired contact me for other resin colours.
All miniatures are printed to order. Times may vary based on the amount of miniatures ordered as well as the amount of orders currently being printed.
All models are designed by the amazingly talented Miguel Zavala and are provided to me under the Creative Commons Attribution License. Please support Miguel and the wonderful models he designs.
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